Thursday, April 5, 2012

Well now, that's not something you see every day

That was the first thing I thought when I saw the photos of PaddleRob.

The second thing I thought was "Why the fuck did I pick THIS Sunday to take an internet break and how is it that work was sooooooo busy Monday I didn't get a chance to see these pictures until Tuesday?"

Some other thoughts that went through my head:

"Rob goes to the beach? I bet he's not wearing sunscreen."

"OMG, his hair grew in!" and "I like his beard better wet."

"Is he at the beach all alone? That doesn't seem safe."

"Um, those waves are pretty wimpy, but I'm still surprised he can stand up on the board."

"Holy crap, he truly almost lost his trunks a few times."

"There aren't sharks in Malibu, are there?"

"Rob looks hot running...

and running...

and running."

"Aww, Rob appreciates wildlife."

(All photos stolen from Robsessed)


  1. I WISH this was more of an everyday sight! : )

  2. The black graphic with a slash was apparently a "copyright infringement" and was removed. What I find amusing about this is 1) that anyone actually reads my blog who would care 2)that it's the only one they removed and 3) that it's a photo take without Rob's consent that they are claiming somekind of ownership over.

    Wonders never cease!!!
